-   To provide free quality medical services to the poor needy, and aged
people irrespective of their religion, colour, cast or creed.
      - To obtain and accept donations, grants, gifts, demises, land and buildings movable and immovable property for any of the purposes of the free Poly Clinic.
      - To maintain buildings and houses of the Free Poly Clinic, alter or extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same and to provide and equip the same with light, Water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, apparatus and appliances and all other accessories for the use of patients, general public, doctors and other staff members.

To provide education on modern lines on no profit basis, to the students for Arts, Technical, Industrials, Commercial and Vocational fields even free to needy and poor students


To sell, manage, transfer, exchange, mortgage, demise, dispose off or otherwise deal with any property whatever belonging to the Free Poly Clinic

  To accept and receive, in any manner, whatsoever, cash or immovable or movable property, either unconditionally or subject to any special trusts created by any particular donor in furtherance of any one or more of the objects of this Free Poly Clinic.
      - To give charitable aid to patients, Doctors,  staff  members or any weaker  person of the society.
      - To borrow and raise money with or without security or on the security of a mortgage or hypothecation or pledge overall of, or any of the immoveable or moveable property belonging to the society and / or Free Poly Clinic or in any other manner what so ever.
      - To contribute for sports, games and tournaments, for the benefit of the student and general public.
      - To draw, make, accept, endorse and discount cheques notes or other negotiable instruments and to sign, execute and deliver such instruments and deeds as may be necessary.  
      - To provide quality medical services to the poor and needy people irrespective of their religion, colour, cast or creed .
      - To obtain and accept donations, grants, gifts, demises, movable and immovable property for any of the purposes of the free Poly Clinic.
      - .To maintain buildings and houses of the Free Poly Clinic, alter or extend, improve, repair, enlarge or modify the same and to provide and equip the same with light, Water, drainage, furniture, fittings, instruments, apparatus and appliances and all other accessories for the use of patients, general public, doctors and other staff members.
      - give charitable aid to patients or any weaker person of the society.
  - Eye camp  
  - Dental check-up  
  - Homeopathic dispensary  
  - Children's camp